Act 2 Scene 2-Nanna and Pats come up with a plan.

Two weeks have passed since the end of the last scene and we see Nanna alone on stage as there is a knock on the door. Pats enters and says that he has been waiting for the past hour to get Nanna alone in the house.

Nanna tells him that Sive has gone to town to buy a wedding dress and tells him that, “£50 Dota gave to buy the clothes and the drink for the wedding.” Pats tells her that it is about the wedding that he came. He says that he has a plan that can get Sive out of the marriage. But Nanna says that it is too late, as the wedding is the following day. He goes to explain that he met with Liam Scuab the evening before and that his plan is to, “for the girl to steal out of the house tonight. He will be waiting for her at his own place.”

Nanna says that she is watched every minute of the day but he tells her that she can sneak out of her window at night. Pats tells her that the two will be married as quick as possible. Nanna responds with glee, saying, “‘Twill be a great suck-in for all of them!”

Pats says that Dota marrying Sive is wrong and he says that Dota does not love her but Liam Scuab does. Nanna is very thankful for the intervention and tries to give Pats some money but he says, “‘Twas done willing! God the Master makes His own reward.” This highlights the goodness of Pats, who was looked down upon by Thomasheen for his status as a traveller earlier in the book. Is Keane making a statement about social class and how people are wrongly judged here?

Pats tells Nanna that the pair will be married tomorrow and hands her a letter explaining the plan, which she needs to give to Sive. Pats also says that he and Carthalawn will be back to give a song to bless the wedding to give the impression that everything is proceeding as planned.

Just as he is about to leave, Mike enters and says that he say Pats acting suspiciously at the house. Pats tells him that he was going to steal some eggs but thought he would ask for them first, using his reputation to his advantage. Mike says that he wouldn’t be refused an egg. Mike tells him that he is always welcome in the house but only if he comes straight to the door. Pats leaves and Mike and Nanna are left alone in the house.


  1. Why has Pats decided to come up with a plan to help Liam and Sive get married?
  2. How has the introduction of the letter raised the tension in the play? (Literary Genre)
  3. What is the plan that Pats has come up?
  4. Pats seems to be a much better man than Thomasheen, yet he is vilified by other characters. What does this tell us about social class in the text?

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